The Best Love Story

I have heard of many stories of heartaches and joys from my friends. I have also read a lot of books about love and relationships and seen movies depicting the different facets of love. Some are cruel while some are too mushy, but all shows the reality. Love is the most unpredictable feeling for human beings.
One time I asked myself, “which of the many stories I have read and seen is the best love story of all?” I can name some nice stories, but the best? I can’t think of even a single human love story that depicts love in its biblical sense — love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).
Maybe, the reason why human love can’t be perfect in us is because we are not perfect at all. No matter how we strive to give our perfect love, it will always seem to be aiming at nothing. Only Jesus has demonstrated His perfect love through his death, because He alone is perfect.
But one thing I am thankful of about God’s agape love is that He wants us to give it to others in spite of our imperfections. As much as He wants us to follow His example, He can also identify with our insufficiency to love the way He has done it. He knows that we are nothing but frail creations dependent only to Him. We cannot love the way He does, that’s why we have to submit to Him so His spirit can help us to do such.
Only through Him can we share and experience genuine love void of any human tendency to be selfish.
However, in my search for the best love story of all, God has given me a very inspiring revelation…
The best love story is the one that cannot be seen in movies nor can be read in pocket novels. This story has already been copyrighted by the Authority above but yet to be revealed. This story might not win the approval of many but its uniqueness has pleased its Author, and that’s what really matters. This love story involves a Third Party, which makes the account more interesting. Jesus, the third party in the triangle is the One that keeps the bond between two lovers together. Just like in a triangle, the more the lovers draw themselves closer to God, their distance draws closer too.
This story is available to all who are willing to submit their love lives to God. It’s exciting to know that the best love story that I am searching for can be my own love story too.
The Best Love Story The Best Love Story Reviewed by Marts Valenzuela on December 15, 2016 Rating: 5
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